Name: This club shall be known as the Cleveland Ward 17 Democratic Club (“The Club” or “Club”).

Purpose: The purpose of this Club shall be to uphold and further the tenets and mission of the
Democratic Party, the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party (“CCDP”), and The Club.

Membership & Dues: Any registered Democrat or Independent voter interested in the aims and purposes of the Democratic Party and The Club may be considered for membership.

Membership requirements include:

A. Voter Registration verified with Cuyahoga County Board of Elections.

B. Completed Membership Application and dues payment.

C. Once becoming a member of the Club, after the third (3rd) attendance at a Club meeting, the member’s Voting Rights become active.

D. Attendance at 50% of the nine (9) monthly meetings and willingness to volunteer four (4) hours of services to the Club annually. A list of volunteer opportunities: fundraising, political action; phone banking; canvassing or marching, community service, Kamm’s Corners
Hooley, or; assist with hospitality at monthly Club meetings, etc.

E. The Executive Board shall determine the amount of annual membership dues, payable immediately with the Membership Application, and renewable no later than fourteen (14) months after the new member joins the Club. Dues are payable on or before January 1st.

Officers and Duties: Shall hold office for a term of two (2) years beginning January 1st following the election, or until a successor is elected.


The President shall:

  1. Chair all general and special Club meetings or, if unable, arrange for the Vice President to Chair the Club meeting. If the Vice President is unable to Chair the Club meeting, then the Ward Leader (“Ward Leader” as defined by the CCDP Bylaw) shall be asked to do so.
  2. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees pertaining to the welfare of the
  3. Ensure that these Bylaws are followed in all Club proceedings.
  4. Act as the co-signer of the finances of the Club with the Treasurer at the local bank and provide oversight of Treasurer functions.
  5. Appoint the Chairperson(s) of all standing committees.
  6. Work with the Membership Chair toward increasing the Club members by fostering good relationships with the Club Members and assisting City Ward Leader with outreach to the Democrats in Ward 17.
  7. The President shall call Executive Board (Vice President, Treasurer, Communications Officer. Membership Chair, and Ward Leader) meetings on at least a quarterly basis, and a meeting twice yearly with the (Ward) Leader and CCDP Ward 17 and executive Committee members, ensuring coordination between CCDP efforts and Club efforts.

Vice President:

The Vice President shall:

  1. Assist the President during all meetings. In the absence of the President, the
    Vice President shall assume the chair.
  2. Guide and assist in coordinating the activities of these standing Committees
    (Hospitality, Membership, and Community Events)

Communication Officer:

The Communication Officer shall:

1. Build Club’s online presence, including website, and social media outlets.
2. Provide electronic notices to all Members and local media outlets, and notify them of monthly meetings. A printed notice of the monthly meetings shall be sent by U.S. mail, to any member without an email address, at least seven (7) days prior to the monthly meeting.
3. If necessary, appoint and oversee the work of a Deputy Communications Officer to conduct appropriate and timely social media efforts on behalf of the Club.


The Treasurer shall:

1. Collect members’ dues and all other monies, which are received by the Club, and keep a record of it.
2. Submit a written financial report to the Club Officers at regularly scheduled meetings.
3. Submit a written financial report, at such time as the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Chairman’s request, to the Treasurer of the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party.
4. Expend funds, only upon order of the President and with the approval of a majority of Officers of the Club, in amounts of up to three hundred dollars ($300). Shall expend funds, with the approval of a majority of the members attending any regular or special meeting, in amounts exceeding $300.

Membership Chair:

The Membership Chair shall:

1. Maintain the Club’s monthly attendance record.
2. Serve as the “Chief Welcoming Officer” of The Club
3. Welcome All guest speakers to Club meetings.
4. Facilitate member development and coordinate member outreach with the Communications Officer.

Election of Officers: The following shall take place during years in which Club Officers are elected:

A. At the regular September meeting, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of five (5) Club members in good standing. This Committee will report to the Club membership a proposed slate of Club Officers at the regular November meeting.
B. Nominating for candidates will be open from the floor only at the regular
November meeting.
C. Election of Club Officers will take place at the regular November meeting and shall be by secret ballot of members in good standing. Club members must be present to vote.
D. In the event of a resignation by a Club Officer, or vacancy occurring otherwise in an elected office, the President shall appoint an eligible club member to fill the unexpired term of that office.
E. All Officers and candidates for the offices in the Club must be residents of Ward
17 in the City of Cleveland.

Meetings: The Club will meet on the second Thursday of selected months at a time and location to be determined by the President or the majority of members present at any regular meeting, providing that a quorum is present.

Quorum: Ten (10) Club Members present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Executive Board: Shall consist of all Club Officers, Committee Chairpersons. The Executive Board shall:
1. Meet twice yearly, at a time and date convenient for the Board. The President shall preside over the Executive Board meetings, or, if unable, arrange for the Vice President to Chair the Board meetings. If the Vice President is unable to Chair the Board meeting, then the Ward Leader shall be asked to do so.
2. Have complete authority to act on all issues pertaining to the good and welfare of the Club.
3. An Executive Board member must perform their functions and duties in an exemplary manner as outlined in the foregoing Bylaws. Failure to do so could be reason for dismissal from their duties.
4. Have access to all pertinent information pertaining to the Club.

Committees: Prior to the beginning of the year following Club elections, the incoming Executive Board shall appoint chairs of the following standing committees. The Chairs of said committees shall call meetings on at least a quarterly basis. Each Committee provides a report at monthly Club meetings or informs the Club President if no report is necessary on a given month. Due to fluctuation in membership, standing committees may be combined.

1. Membership:
It shall be the duty of this committee to hold committee meetings to review the qualifications, character, and desirability of all applicants, and to approve or deny applications for membership to The Club. In addition, it shall be their duty to recruit new members.

2. Political Activity:
It shall be the duty of this committee to keep the Club informed of all political and civic activities of interest occurring within the city, county, state and nation and to assist in the recruitment and development of prospective Democratic candidates for local government office.

3. Publicity & Social Media:
It shall be the duty of this committee to collaborate with the Communications Officer to provide all publicity pertaining to club activities and functions. The Publicity and Social Media Committee shall promote the Club and its mission and activities to all residents of Ward 17 in the City of Cleveland, and other communities accessible by way of social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).

4. Program:
It shall be the duty of this committee to plan programs for the club and carry out all activities pertaining thereto.

5. Executive:
This committee consists of members either elected or appointed as CCDP Central and/or executive Committee members.


This document may be amended by:

1. Any recognized Club Member submitting a proposed amendment verbally from the floor at any Club regular or special meeting.
2. Written notice of the date, time, and location of the meeting at which a vote on proposed amendments will take place, along with a copy of proposed amendments, being mailed to each Club Member. This notice must be postmarked by the United States Post Office a minimum of five (5) days prior to said meeting.
3. Providing that a quorum is present, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present at said meeting affirms the passage of proposed amendments.

Parliamentary Authority: Robert’s Rules of order shall be the parliamentary authority on all matters not covered in the Constitution and Bylaws of this organization. The Bylaws shall be reviewed every two years by the Executive Board.

Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Bylaws and Constitution: The Bylaws and Constitution of the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party are incorporated as if fully rewritten herein.

Approved by members in good standing of the Ward 17 Democratic Club for the year of 2022 on January 12, 2023.

Carl Mazzone – President

Charles J. Slife – CCDP Ward Leader